Phew! The holidays are over. With such a quick turnaround between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's been a dizzying flurry of activity at our house. A good flurry of activity, but a lot of it! So now as everybody heads back to work and we are easing back into our daily routine, I finally have a moment to get some stuff posted up on the blog. I think I've got enough to do two more entries after this!
Trying to stand in the crib |
Emma's been growing by leaps and bounds and becoming quite the adventurer. It seems like she went from starting to crawl to starting to pull up and cruise around the furniture in a matter of days. Of course, she didn't just do it in safe, supervised, pillow padded situations either. She started pulling up and standing in her crib, which meant Kevin had to lower the mattress yet again and that I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach over to lay her down. Then because she was standing in the crib, she found that she could chew on said crib. Thus, our sweet child turned into quite a little busy beaver and that meant it was time to put the crib rail protectors on. Needless to say, there's a lot of cause and effect learning going on at our house for all of us - mommy, daddy, and baby.
Oh, and don't forget - what goes up, must come down. And usually Emma comes down with a less than graceful thump which is sometimes coupled with a head bump and tears. Good thing she mostly lands on a padded bottom!
Now another side effect of this newly developed motor skill is that we needed a quick infusion of new toys to keep Emma entertained (and out of trouble). So Christmas came a little early as Kevin and I decided that the Playskool Laugh and Learn house we were planning on giving Emma needed to appear sooner rather than later. Can I tell you how much this toy has been a lifesaver? Emma has played with it for hours on end and keeps discovering new activities. Also I have to admit, it's pretty fun playing with her too. There are lots of different ways to play peek-a-boo, and it is fun to surprise her by putting things in the mailbox. Plus, it's sturdy enough that she can pull up on it, which keeps her away from the things she shouldn't be getting in to. I would definitely recommend this toy!
Emma supervising construction |
Endless hours of fun |
Lastly, Emma's been working on both her verbal and nonverbal communication skills. We always laugh looking back at old videos to see what the sound of the month was - it seems like she only works on one at a time, and we get at least a month of that one sound before she moves on to another. Currently, she's working on the long I sound and subsequently, we've been working on saying "hi." Now, I'm not sure if she's actually saying hi or just making the vowel sound, but she definitely has started to learn when to say it. When she sees Lizzy or someone she knows, she'll say it. When playing peek-a-boo, you sometimes get a "hi," and the best one is when she sees herself in the mirror. She loves that silly baby in the mirror! We've also been working on high fives and waving goodbye. The high five gesture kind of gets stuck on repeat, and you get more like a 20 or 30 by the time she's done though. It's a work in progress - no one can just be cool over night. Waving goodbye has been quicker for her to pick up. We think it's cute because she can't decide whether to wave her whole arm or to just move her fingers. But either way, she knows what she's doing. The other day she was watching BabyTV and the characters on The Cuddlies always wave goodbye at the end, and she sat there waving back to them. I wish I had caught it on film! There's a lot more I could tell you about what's been going on, but I'll save that for some of our Christmas posts.
Video: Emma says "Hi!"