One thing we've started working on is turning our very empty dining room into a downstairs playroom for Emma. We currently play in the family room all day, but its space is limited, and as we begin to get more toys, they seem to grow in size and the space they require to adequately play with them. Case in point, Emma's new motorcycle walker. It's best if Kevin and I sit at opposite sides of the room because she hasn't caught on to the whole notion of turning yet. But it does make for a good work out for those little legs. Another workout: the stairs. This little one climbs them like a champ. But that also means you've got to keep a close eye out or the gate up; otherwise, you're likely to find her gone in the blink of an eye and a heart attack ensues.
Playing with her different walkers -
one at home and one at Mimi's
one at home and one at Mimi's
Although Emma's still taking 2-3 naps a day, she does stay up longer in between them now, which means taking her out is a little bit easier. We've been enjoying going out to eat with family, playing in the park, and we even got to visit the petting zoo at the local elementary school's carnival. Emma takes all the sights and sounds in with a very thoughtful air. It's like she's intensely studying and cataloging everything she sees in her brain.
Playing in the park -
swinging and climbing are her favorites!
At the petting zoo - these animals are not like Lizzy!
Lastly, growing up means starting to leave behind the ways of a baby, or in this case baby food. We've been slowly introducing new solid foods for her to try. Her favorites, of course, are Cheerios and cheese. We never leave home without a bowl of Cheerios packed in the diaper bag - they make for a good distraction when a certain someone is kind of tired from shopping. Cheerios solve all problems. And cheese, Emma has learned, can be eaten in many forms - string cheese, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas. It just seems like if you want her to try a new food, just add some cheese to it, and you're golden! But don't worry, she's getting a pretty well rounded diet of meats, veggies, fruits, and yogurt too.
The joy of eating Cheerios!
The look of determination
While every day isn't perfect, they are all unique, challenging, and fulfilling in ways I never thought life could be. All in all, it's a continual blessing to be able to spend my days with Emma and Kevin.
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