Y'all...how did it get to be October already? Wasn't it just August?!? Seriously. So, life with two kiddos is BUSY. But it's a good busy. A busy that's full of snuggles, hugs, giggles, and lots of love. With Emma, I felt bad if I was blogging a week late with her monthly updates. Poor Henry, I'm only 3 months late now. But at least I've kept a running list of ideas that I wanted to write about, so that counts, right?!? As much as I don't want to forget all of these moments, I want to LIVE in these moments too - to be deliberately present in my kids' lives and be part of the memory making, not just an observer or the documenter behind the camera.
Henry's first bath at home - with big sister's help |
Photoshoot in our own house |
At the ripe ol' age of 8 days old, Henry had his newborn pictures done, and we finally got some family pictures as well. Sarah of Sarah Borchgrevink Photography came to our house and set up shop and did a wonderful job at capturing our family and the preciousness of our newborn baby boy. She spent 4 hours with us working to get the right shot and making sure that we were all completely comfortable and satisfied with what we were getting from our session. I am SO in love with all of her photos that it's been hard to pick out which ones I wanted to get as prints for the house. Below are a few of my favorites and then a link to all of them for your viewing pleasure.
Puzzles were a good distraction for
Emma while I nursed
After Kevin headed back to Corpus, the true reality of having two kids set in, and I was officially outnumbered. Luckily, having a newborn is pretty easy. They just eat, poop, sleep, and repeat. Emma actually asked me why her baby brother slept so much because she was ready to play with him 24/7. I think she was maybe a little disappointed that he didn't do a whole bunch right away. On the other hand, having a three year old is exhausting. I think the hardest thing is balancing my time between the two of them and trying to get Emma to understand that when mommy is feeding Henry, she can't play with Emma. Bed and bath time were the hardest for me those first few weeks; it seemed like I couldn't catch a break timing-wise to where Henry wasn't fussing when I was trying to get Emma taken care of. But I think we're over that hump for now and have figured out a schedule that works for everyone.
Our other saving grace was that we had helpers come during the day. My cousin Sharon was a godsend and came at least once a week to either act as my mommy's helper or to babysit so I could run errands or go to doctor appointments. I was pretty sad when she had to go back to college at the end of the summer, and we all miss having her around. Emma got to have lots of play dates with her cousins too while Grandma was keeping them this summer, which meant that Grandma got some snuggle time in with baby Henry (and mommy got to sneak off and shower).
Emma (left) and Henry (right) both at 13 days old |
Video: Jungle Time at 3 weeks old
Getting ready for
Henry's Upper GI
Video: Tummy Time at 1 month old
Henry and Daddy in the
car at Whataburger
After the rehearsal, we had time to check in to the hotel and change before the dinner that evening. Emma was excited to run around to everyone's rooms in the hotel and the fact that she got to sleep on a couch that turned into a bed for her. Henry's Rock'n'Play was perfect for sleeping in the hotel room, especially since my dad had got our room upgraded to a suite so we'd all have a little bit more room to move around. That evening, we headed out to the Reata Restaurant for time of fellowship and yummy food. Henry slept through the whole thing in his car seat, and Emma had a blast running around playing with her second cousins and generally basking in the limelight of everyone's attention. You'd never know from the way she acted that this was all about Emily and Stephen's big day!
On Saturday, the ceremony wasn't until 6pm, so Emma's grandparents, Sandra and Elmer, took her out for breakfast and occupied her time a bit. I even got to run out and get my hair done. We had to be at the church early since we were parents to a VIP. Once we got there, all Emma wanted to do was find Emily. She couldn't wait to see her. The ceremony was a beautiful and worship filled time, and you could just see the love that Emily and Stephen had for each other. Afterwards, we partied the night away. Well, most of us that is. Henry slept through the WHOLE thing...ceremony and reception. But that didn't stop him from still dancing with a pretty lady, Miss Sarah Peck. Here are a few photos - I'll post more when their official photos come in!
Video: Emma's Dance at Stephen's Wedding
Needless to say, after we got home from Fort Worth, everyone was just plain tuckered out. After being on the road, having one event after another, and not sleeping in our own beds, we crashed, and I think we were just in kind of hibernation mode for like two weeks. There were a lot of pajama and movie days in there for sure!
Video: Emma's 1st time skating #1
Video: Emma's 1st time skating #2
By the end of Henry's second month of life, he and Emma were best friends...whether he knew it or not! Emma's been a great helper, even if some times she helps a little too much!

I think by August, I had kind of figured out a routine for how to manage the two on my own. Kevin was still coming home every weekend from Corpus, but Sunday night - Friday night, it was mom who was on duty 24/7. I'm not going to lie, finding new TV shows for Emma to watch on Nick Jr. has been a big help when I just need her to be still for a bit (like when trying to nurse Henry). We are now lovers of the shows Wallykazam, Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, etc. The good thing though is that Henry has finally started to move towards a more predictable schedule. It still has its variations from time to time, but I can generally gauge when he's going to be headed towards nap time and plan accordingly. Plus, both he and Emma nap in the afternoon around the same time, so I do have a little bit to myself. The car crew ready to head to Corpus |
Since we made the trip to Dallas and back pretty successfully, we decided that we would attempt to make our first trip down to Corpus Christi. Just as a refresher, it takes anywhere from 3.5-4 hours to make the drive, depending on stops. In preparation for our upcoming trip, I had been sending supplies, like diapers and our Joovy, back with Kevin little by little each weekend so I wouldn't have to pack so much in our car, and Kevin got the changer for Corpus all assembled and ready. My plan was to drive during nap time, so that we could get as far as we could without needing to stop and feed someone or go to the bathroom. But we only got as far as Cinco Ranch before Henry decided it was time to eat...sigh. After that though, it was smooth sailing. Emma napped on and off, watched her iPad, and snacked. Henry slept all the way to Refugio and then just chilled in his car seat til Corpus, so we didn't have to make any additional stops.
These two can sleep anywhere |
Once there, everyone settled into their spaces right away. Lizzy knew where her bed and kennel were; Emma went straight to playing with her toys; and Henry was just content to wiggle on the floor. We really didn't have any planned activities for our stay this time around, so we were pretty relaxed. Emma discovered Kevin's Xbox and decided she needed to play games. So Kevin hooked it up and gave her a controller to "play." She thought it was pretty neat and had a blast pushing all of the buttons even if she didn't understand exactly what she was supposed to be doing. We decided to go to the beach for a little bit on Saturday, but we neglected to check the beach report before we went. It was quite windy, so the waves were pretty strong and that meant someone had to be with Emma in the water the whole time. Even though we had a little pop up tent for Henry to chill in, the wind still blew through the mesh and he was not a fan. We ended up staying for maybe an hour or so before we decided to throw in the towel and call it a day. Emma was pretty sad to leave, but she was already tired out from jumping in the waves. That night though all was forgiven when we introduced Emma to playing Chutes and Ladders. Playing board games with a three year old definitely requires some patience since you have to explain the rules over and over and over again. But we all had fun!
Emma and her teacher |
After we headed back from Corpus, it was time to get Emma ready to go back to school! This year she was moving from the toddler side to the preschool side, and that meant all kinds of new changes - no more nap time, getting to go in the car rider line, and of course, new teachers and friends. We went to Meet the Teacher and got to see her new classroom and of course, meet her teacher, Mrs. Hutchens. Now I have to say, Emma does really well with change. She took to her new classroom and teacher right away. I think part of why she adapts so well is that she just loves everyone and wants to be everyone's friend whether she's known you forever or just met you for the first time. I've never had to worry about first day of school tears because she's always ready to go on a new adventure. In fact, she always telling me she needs to ride the yellow school bus even though I've tried telling her she has to wait until she's five for that!!
Since Emma now heads off to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that leaves me and the little man to have some quality alone time. He's a real trooper when we have to run errands and smiles and flirts with everyone he sees in the store. We get to have a bit of quiet time at home too where we can play or hang out uninterrupted. Every once in a while, Henry goes to his Mimi's house for the day while Emma is at school, so I can have a few hours to myself too. This mama does need to recharge her batteries (and get her toes done) from time to time! We do miss Emma though, and she's always excited to see us both when she climbs back into the car in the afternoon. Going to school twice a week definitely helps the week move by faster, and it makes the days we stay at home easier because Emma's usually not bored to play with her toys.

Typical day at home! Video: Talking to mom - 2.5 months old |
Our last big event was Labor Day, which also happened to be my 36th birthday. When asked, I seemingly never remember how old I'm supposed to be anymore. Maybe it's because I have too many other numbers filling my head now that I have to keep track of four people's pertinent information. Maybe it's because after a while the years all start to just blend into one another. Either way, I'm a year older, maybe wiser, but definitely living a life fuller. Our Labor Day weekend this year was packed full of events. First, it was opening weekend for Texas A&M football. My family still has their 8 season tickets, and everyone makes an effort to go to the games. Kevin was in from Corpus, and Stephen and Emily flew in from Kansas for the holiday weekend. We were able to leave the kids with my in-laws and head to College Station for some much needed adult time. It was a thriller of a game against UCLA that went to overtime, and it was good to just spend some time with my siblings. Being nine and twelve years older than them, it's been good to develop relationships with them as adults as we've grown to have more in common, especially since now both of them are married!
It's my birthday - so everybody matched! |
All in all, it's been a pretty good first three months as a family of four. Sure, it's had its challenges, but it's also had its blessings. Both of my children are such miracles from God, and I'm so honored that I get to be their mother. Watching them grow and change and learn so much is just incredible. There are days where I just wish I could freeze the moment so that I could hold on to it forever, but the best I can do is try to capture it in photos and in my heart. We love sharing our lives with you through this blog, and hopefully, we can be a bit more timely with our updates next time. If not, just know that we're busy making memories and living life to its fullest!